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1972 Volvo 1800 E Coupe Base

1972 Volvo 1800 E Coupe
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First, you'll need to determine if this vehicle has shocks or struts in the front. If it has shocks, having them replaced should correct the problem. If not, this condition could lie with the springs, but that's unlikely since springs generally last the life of the vehicle. If this vehicle has struts, you can either have the entire strut replaced or, in many cases, simply replace the strut cartridges. Call a local dealer's service department and ask if the front struts of the make/model in question have replaceable cartridges. To confirm worn or faulty shocks/strut cartridges do the following -- step down on the front bumper several times to get it bouncing and let off. If it continues to bounce more than once, the shocks/strut cartridges are worn or faulty. Take care of this problem very soon because, with each "thump", certain front end components are being damaged



The front shocks or front strut cartridges are worn or faulty. Have them inspected and replaced if need be

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